Venus Viva Nano Fractional RF

Venus Viva Nano Fractional - Skin Resufacing

The Venus Viva Nano Fractional RF is an advanced non-surgical resurfacing treatment that works to improve the overall texture of the skin. Minimising mild acne scaring, improving sun damage, fine lines, wrinkles, reducing pores and rosacea, correcting textural irregularity.

Nano Fractional Radio Frequency works by piercing the skin with fine tiny pins that safely deliver heat through the skins surface, that the body works to heal with its natural healing responses leaving the surrounding tissue in tact while stimulating the regeneration of healthy collagen and elastin.

The treatment has little downtime with mild redness, however you can continue normal daily activities immediately afterward. You can resume wearing makeup 24hrs after treatment.

3-4 treatments recommended every 4-6 weeks.

  • When it comes to pain tolerance, we have found that it varies from person to person. Generally this treatment is well tolerated but there are few clients that do find this treatment painful. The treatment only takes a few minutes, so any pain felt is over fairly quickly.

  • There is very little downtime associated with Nano Fractional RF. Your skin will appear red immediately after the treatment, similar to a mild sunburn. You may experience some dryness and flaking in the week after the treatment. To help reduce any inflammation we recommend doing a couple of the HEALITE LED treatments.

  • Nano Fractional RF is suitable for most skin types. It is commonly used to treat the following concerns,

    • Acne scars

    • Wrinkles

    • Enlarged pores

    • Skin laxity

    • Stretch marks

    • Uneven skin texture

    • Pigmentation


Nano Fractional RF Aftercare

During the skin healing process, minor itching, hives, flaking may occur. If symptoms persist please call the studio. An antihistamine tablet can be taken for hives or itching. (Check with your pharmacist if you are safe to do so.) You may experience some swelling and redness. Flakey skin will usually appear 24 - 72 hours after your treatment and can last several days. Do not pick or touch your skin.

It is recommended not to touch your face or wash it until the following day or put anything on your skin for 24 hours. Change you pillow case, wash towels and makeup brush’s to prevent any cross contamination.

Avoid wearing makeup for 48hrs unless it is non-occlusive/comedogenic, mineral skin loving makeup.

Please avoid the gym, or intensive cardio regimes for 48 to reduce the risk of cross contamination via sweat and skin irritation through overheating while the skin is healing.

Avoid any other clinical treatments such as Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion, IPL.

Avoid sun exposure to the treated area for 2 weeks. Ensure to wear an SPF protection daily.

Avoid using active products such as Topical Steroid’s , Retinoid’s , AHA’s, BHA’s or any other exfoliating agent’s for 3-5 day’s to avoid any irritation, re introducing them back into your skincare regime as tolerated.

Use of Gentle cleansers, nourishing and protective serums and moisturisers such as Ultimate Recovery, Hydra B5, Fast Skin Repair to be applied as often as necessary to reduce inflammation, restore skin comfort and accelerate the healing process.